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June 5, 2024

Student Spotlight: Jennifer Shaw ‘24 (Arts and Culture, A.S.)

Jennifer Shaw headshot

Meet Jennifer Shaw, 一位鼓舞人心的变革者和杰出的家长,正在改变全世界的生活. Shaw mentors students in Uganda while working full-time. 

After graduating with her associate degree in May, 她计划报名参加罗伯茨大学的社会工作学士学位课程. 这个项目的学术工作将支持她进一步深化在乌干达工作的目标. 

Shaw has already seen the benefits of going back to school, 因为她所受的教育已经帮助她从行政助理晋升为运营经理. 肖是一个对仆人式领导有着深刻承诺的学生,让美高梅mgm平台来认识她.

Shaw on a mission trip to Uganda

Shaw on a mission trip to Uganda


I work at Dick’s Sporting Goods. As I implement the lessons, 我学会了成为一个更有思想的领导者,努力激励和提升我周围的人. 我培养了在工作中实施新想法的信心,这帮助我在我的角色中成长, take on more responsibility, and earn a promotion! 我从行政助理提升为运营经理.

I spend my free time mentoring college students in Uganda. 我和年轻人一起工作,他们努力克服战争和贫困给他们的生活带来的创伤. 

By crowd-sourcing funding for school supplies, transportation, food, and housing costs as well as offering wisdom on building faith, character, personal finance, 我帮助他们减轻负担,这样他们就可以专注于自己的教育.

Shaw and 2 college students in Uganda

Shaw and college students in Uganda

What’s next in your educational journey?

我正在申请社会工作学士(BSW)课程! 我想转行的愿望深深植根于我一生对帮助他人的热情. 

我在乌干达的志愿服务经历和时间让我坚定了转行从事社会工作的决心. Becoming a counselor, guiding individuals through trauma recovery, fostering authenticity, 支持个人成长完全符合我的价值观和抱负. 


Shaw and her daughter, Fiona

Shaw and her daughter, Fiona

What’s it like to be a parent going back to school?

作为一名单身母亲,我正在为未来的学业投资,这是一次信心的飞跃. The Roberts program, tailored for adult students, 提供了一条完美的道路,让我在全职工作和抚养女儿的同时重返学校. 

异步课程让我能够在工作、为人父母和学习之间平衡我的时间表. 这意味着我仍然可以在晚上和周末陪伴女儿,参加她所有的活动和学习. The best of both worlds!

What’s the most helpful thing you’ve learned here?

我在罗伯茨学到的最有用的东西就是了解自己, listen to the perspectives of others around me, and allow my education to enhance my natural gifts.  

What course has been your favorite and why?

To pick a favorite class is nearly impossible! 我和马拉里·威利一起上的《美高梅mgm平台》这门课让我想到了一个意想不到的惊喜. 

At first, giving a speech each week felt intimidating. However, 她培养了一个充满关怀和鼓励的同学的支持环境,在那里美高梅mgm平台可以自信地锻炼美高梅mgm平台新发现的技能. 

I have found every class along the way to be enriching. From learning about history, culture, and leadership to music and the arts, 每一堂课都给了我巨大的洞察力,帮助我建立了一个坚实的基础,从这个基础上看世界. 


Go for it! 如果你内心有一种渴望,为它祈祷,不要让任何事情阻碍你. Embrace the challenge, prioritize your goals, 记住,每向前走一步,你就离梦想更近了一步. 

作为成年人或父母,你的人生旅途中可能会充满额外的责任, 但要知道,你的决心和毅力将引领你走向成功. The professors at Roberts are there to help you succeed. 相信你自己,相信你的信念和直觉,让你的激情驱动你前进!


我最自豪的是通过我在罗伯茨的艺术和文化课程加深了我的性格发展. Through hard work and dedication, I will be graduating with a 4.0!

Shaw smiles during a hike at the Grand Canyon

Shaw at the Grand Canyon

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I love to hike. I once hiked the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim in one day. It was 24 miles & 5,000 feet elevation on each rim! I enjoy exploring local trails with my daughter.  


花时间培养你的信仰,培养你的美德和性格是非常重要的! Whether through education, prayer, or self-care, 致力于这一旅程丰富了美高梅mgm平台的生活,增强了美高梅mgm平台与他人有意义地交往的能力. 美高梅mgm平台迈向个人成长的每一步都会对美高梅mgm平台周围的人产生启发的连锁反应!

Faculty Feedback

Matt Moore headshot

 “Like so many of our Arts and Culture students, 简·肖有强烈的使命感和动力,通过参加美高梅mgm平台的课程来实现这些计划. 对学习的浓厚兴趣和对各种课程的开放态度使Jenn成为该项目中最成功的学生之一. 她经常在作业和讨论中分享她的个人经历和好奇心,比如摄影, which always added color to the experience."

 -Matt Moore, Associate Professor of Humanities; Director, Traditional Undergraduate General Education

Deborah Gruttadauria headshot

“作为一名在职家长和学生,詹妮弗从来没有错过任何机会. 她是一个积极主动的人,并能成功地平衡她所担任的角色之间的优先事项. 她有决心,有奉献精神,每一周都做得很好. She has strong communication skills, she’s complimentary and supportive, and she always put great effort into class discussions.   

刚进入我的班级时,詹妮弗是一名行政助理. Through the knowledge and confidence she gained in class, 詹妮弗表现出色,被提升到管理职位. I am glad to have been part of Jenn’s journey!" 

-Deborah Gruttadauria, Adjunct Professor

Are you ready to go all in like Jennifer?


Or, if you have less than 60 college credits, 点击这里了解更多美高梅mgm平台的艺术和文化副学士课程.

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